The Digital World Is The Global Reset Humanity
Has Been Waiting For

It’s a chance to re-build the digital world and our systems in a way that will serve every single human. It’s time for a new world that is infinitely more accessible, honest, and secure.

What Generations Have Been Waiting For

On January 1st, 2009 a tight group of technologists started building open decentralized systems for future generations based around ClearOS Server and ClearOS Mobile.

Fast forward to June 21st, 2021 this group of technologists connected with concerned doctors, entrepreneurs, mothers, fathers, and ordinary citizens to take a stand for true and correct principles found in the new Digital World that will help guide our world back to a place of love, abundance, health, and choice. Together, we used our voice to declare to the world that there is a better way. We don’t have to agree on everything, but we can come together on a few things that will make a difference now and for future generations to come.

Learn How Countries, Nations, & Communities Around The World Are Adopting The Declaration Of Unity To Improve The Quality Of Life For Their People and Humanity!


Hope For Future

Digital World Is Powered By People, Not Corporations

The Digital World offers a decentralized framework that is stored across multiple private nodes, ensuring your data is always secure and private. There’s no central database or central authority that can manipulate the system.

The World's First Decentralized Phones

In the digital age, privacy and freedom are increasingly under attack. It's time to reclaim your privacy. The only way to achieve this is by using a decentralized phone.

Control your Digital Life

The Digital Life app allows you to access, create new assets, and
much more to come in the future.

{ Digital Life works on almost any Android base phone }

Digital Organizations & Assets

Digital World empowers individuals to create and own their own organizations, (business, DAO’s, trusts, etc.) manage their digital assets, and be part of a global network of communities.


Build Your Digital ID & Payments

Digital ID is not only for the living. It also allows for Individuals to create an Identity for love ones who have passed on. This enables a truly complete and worldwide Identity system for the living and the dead. Now, loved ones have a place to store important documents safely and securely in a place where they will never be lost or destroyed.


The Physical Citizenship by Donation Program

Become a Digital & Physical Citizen

Enjoy citizenship in some of the happiest
countries in the world.


Digital Land Management

A new secure, intelligent network that allows people to manage the buying and selling of homes and land without personal information like their names and mortgage being on display. Yet cryptographically proving real-time ownership.

Learn More

Build The Digital World

You don't need to be a techie to join the Digital World.

You can set up your ClearPHONE, ClearLIFE, ClearPAY, and ClearCONTACTS, or create your own decentralized company, or digital asset in minutes without any coding or technical expertise. In the Digital World, there are no extra charges or hidden fees. All records are open and available for viewing by anyone.

The Digital World ecosystem is inherently anti-corruption, anti-theft, and anti-fraud.

Learn More

Dentralization: The Future of Freedom

In this powerful speech, keynote speaker and decentralization expert Michael Proper discuss the importance of decentralization and how it can help create a better future for all of humanity.

He highlights the many benefits of a decentralized world, including security, freedom from tyranny, and fairer asset valuation. Warning of the dangers of centralization and explaining why it is essential for individuals to take control of their data. This is a must-watch for anyone who wants to understand the potential of blockchain technology and the Digital World.

Digital World: Flag

In this powerful speech, keynote speaker and decentralization expert Michael Proper discuss the importance of decentralization and how it can help create a better future.

He highlights the many benefits of a decentralized world, including security, freedom from tyranny, and fairer asset valuation. Warning of the dangers of centralization and explaining why it is essential for individuals to take control of their data.

Digital Dispute Resolution

The Digital Dispute Resolution system provides arbitration services that are intended for resolving disputes between individuals online in the most efficient way possible. People no longer have to go through the current expensive and time-consuming legal system(s).


Digital: Decentralized

Join a Digital World Open Council

Empowering people to participate in the decentralized Digital World. Get in on the ground floor and join a council of people who come together from all around the World to consult, deliberate, and help recommend digital policies for the Digital World.

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Scan with Digital Life or ClearLIFE
to join an open Digital World Council

The Digital World Is The Global Reset Humanity
Has Been Waiting For

It’s a chance to re-build the digital world and our systems in a way that will serve every single human. It’s time for a new world that is infinitely more accessible, honest, and secure.

Digital town hall meeting

every first thrusday

5:30PM MST

Digital Guide Evelyn

Hello, My name is Evelyn. I will be your digital guide, helping you to understand and adopting your new Digital World. Thank you for taking the first step to understanding how important the Digital World is while recognizing its place existing between the Physical World and the Spiritual World. Hope you enjoy your journey exploring with me.

Become A Member In The Digital World